Associate lawyer Joined the company in: 2015 Roberto Ortega Sede: Oslo (Noruega) ÁreasSectoresFormación Graduate in Law by the University of Cantabria and the Luis Guido Carli University in Rome. MA in business management and administration. Languages: Spanish, English and Italian. Experiencia profesional He has worked in the Real State field, offering consultancy services to foreigners interested…

Associate Lawyer Fecha de incorporación: 2015 Line Katinka Juuhl Office: Oslo (Noruega) Practice AreasSectorsEducation Graduate in Law by the University of Oslo in 2001. Specialized in international law by the University of Luiss in Rome. Specialized in children law, family law, probate law, EU law and contract law. Languages: Spanish, English, Italian and Norwegian. Professional Experience…

Academic Committee Joined the company in: Patricia Benavides Velasco +34 951 55 32 44 Office: Málaga Practice AreasSectorsEducation Professor of Commercial Law at the University of Malaga. PhD in Economic and Business Sciences, Business Section (1996). PhD in Law (2003).. Expert in Business Law by the Technical University of Madrid. Professional experience Patricia is the…